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Creative Arts

Rurea, taitea, kia tu ko taikaka anake
Strip away the bark and expose the heartwood


Creative Arts

Creative Arts at Roncalli College encompasses a range of activities for all students to engage with during their time at the College.

Creative Arts have a Facebook page which you are welcome to follow.


Instrumental Lessons

Each year students can choose to learn a musical instrument. Most lessons are free through the itinerant scheme. This is optional, in Year 9, all students will learn a little bit of keyboard and guitar in Music class through option rotations.

If you would like to enroll to learn a musical instrument please complete the form below and Miss Hall will contact students to arrange for them to meet their instrument tutor and most lessons are finalised by Week 2 of Term 1.

Enroll here to learn a Musical Instrument in 2024


Contemporary Bands

Students can form bands and contemporary music groups and rehearse at lunchtimes and after- school by arrangement with Miss Hall. Drum kits, amps, keyboards and guitars are provided in the Music block. Students can choose to perform at local schools and for community events and may choose to compete at Smokefree Rockquest and Smokefree Tangata Beats. The Timaru final is on 17 May in 2023


Music Production and Creating Music

Our Music department has a range of midi instruments to help you develop your skills and  knowledge of working with a DAW ( Digital Audio Workstation) on your own digital device if you have an interest in Music production or Beat Making.

There are also national songwriting and composition contests available to all students each year. Click on the links below to learn more


Play It Strange:


Liturgical Music

Students have the opportunity to help lead and share their musical gifts and talents with the college at our College Mass celebrations and House liturgies at Sacred Heart Basilica and our College Chapel. These take place throughout the year and students can speak with Miss Hall if they would like to participate as a musician for these events.





From the Artroom

Artwork of the Week 2024


Live Theatre
Live Theatre
Miss Victoria Chappell

Live Theatre Miss Victoria Chappell

Students devise and direct performances throughout the year through Drama courses and also have the opportunity to attend professional performances and participate in workshops. 

Ukulele Orchestra
Ukulele Orchestra
Ms Nikki Hall

Ukulele Orchestra Ms Nikki Hall

Just like a larger orchestra they often play different parts and move well beyond the basic ukulele strum, rehearsals Friday lunchtimes in the Music block.

Chamber Music
Chamber Music
Nikki Hall

Chamber Music Nikki Hall

Opportuntiies to form groups and participate in the Chamber Music contest are available.

Rock Bands
Rock Bands
Ms Nikki Hall

Rock Bands Ms Nikki Hall

Students establish and rehearse in ensembles to perform for local events and in Smokefree Rockquest. Senior music students are keen to mentor our junior rock bands

Audio Visual (AV)
Audio Visual (AV)
Mr Mark Pribis

Audio Visual (AV) Mr Mark Pribis

Join a dedicated team of students who run lighting consoles, mixing desks, and set up and run the technical support for events daily at the College.

Itinerant and Private instrumental lessons
Itinerant and Private instrumental lessons
Ms Nikki Hall

Itinerant and Private instrumental lessons Ms Nikki Hall

Weekly twenty minute individual and group lessons delivered by instrument specialists and open to all students. See Miss Hall in the Music Block for more information. There are some college instruments available for hire.



Annual Events

Inter-house Singing: An event run through the College House system that gives every student an opportunity to perform in a massed choir. All students participate in either Haka or Waiata and then present their house's song choice for a particular theme.

One Day Dazzle: Roncalli College's own "Stage Challenge"  House event where students create and direct an all-inclusive showcase with costumes, lights, staging, props, dancing, singing, and occasionally acrobatics.

Musical Showcase: An evening concert that showcases the best instrumental and vocal soloists and ensembles of the college.

Roncalli's Got Talent: A concert event where students perform with their specialist talent for a panel of judges.

Roncalli enables students to explore different areas of culture and arts through the many engaging activities and opportunities on offer. There is so much support available to help students build their confidence in expressing themselves through creativity and culture.

Neave Bruin

News & Happenings