In Our Community

The strength of Roncalli College stems from our cohesive
community and family atmosphere

South Canterbury Catholic Schools Kāhui Ako / Community of Learning

In South Canterbury our Catholic School network have worked together as Principals, Staff, Students and Boards regularly and it  became clear that a Kāhui Ako was a natural progression for our schools to strengthen the network and ensure educational success for all of our students. 

The following schools are currently included in the South Canterbury Catholic Community of Learning.

Roncalli College

Sacred Heart Primary Timaru

St Joseph’s School Pleasant Point

St Joseph’s School Temuka

St Joseph’s School  Timaru


The South Canterbury Catholic Community of Learning has identified the achievement challenges.


Our broad goals are:

1. Building teacher and leadership capacity, including consistency of practice and developing a shared language of learning.

2. Strengthening transitions to ensure consistency in expectation between ECEs and schools.

3. Developing a shared learning platform to enable collaboration and the sharing of information between students, parents, whanau and teachers.

4. Enhancing community engagement and partnership between parish, church, boards, students, parents, whanau and iwi.

This is an opportunity to enhance the collaboration between and within our schools to deliver the best quality Catholic Education for our students .

Link to South Canterbury Catholic Community of Learning

Parish Links

Let future generations learn, and “Teach their young to trust God”
(Psalm 78)

Catholic education and Catholic schools lie at the heart of the mission of the Catholic Church which, in every time and place, is to make known to all peoples the Good News of salvation made present and accessible to us through the person of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Parishes are where the Church lives; the home of the Christian community. Parishes are communities of faith, of action and of hope, where the gospel is proclaimed and celebrated. In South Canterbury we have three parishes:

Our parishes are part of the Catholic Diocese of Christchurch. We look forward to meeting our newly appointed Bishop of Christchurch Father Paul Martin SM -

Catholic Diocese of Christchurch

Parent Teachers Association

Roncalli has an active PTA which meets in the College Library on the second Tuesday of each month. All parents and caregivers are welcome to join this valued committee.

The PTA also manage the second hand uniform stock. The PTA holds second hand uniform sales at the beginning and end of most terms, the dates for the sales will be included in the College calendar and newsletters. The expectations for these sales are that any blazers or kilts must be drycleaned before sale please and all other items of good quality are presented for sale in a clean state. The College office have a form for families to complete to record your contact details and items for sale. If you have a student currently at the College, the proceeds of the sale will be credited to your students account. The PTA retains a 20% commission on sales.

Development Foundation Trust

The Roncalli College Development Foundation Trust is registered as a Charitable Entity under the Charities Act 2005, the Trust was established to support the College with projects that are not able to be funded through the normal operational grant.

The Development Trust consists of members from our community and includes the Principal Mr Christopher Comeau.



About Timaru and South Canterbury

For information about Timaru and our wider South Canterbury region we recommend you visit the South Canterbury websited managed by the South Canterbury Chamber of Commerce


The Roncalli College Fair is a wonderful community event highlighting our College spirit and the wonderful connections our Staff, Parents and Students have. The proceeds from the Fair are used to enhance student facilites.

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