Our People

We aim to provide a creative and well-supported learning environment where students are exposed to a multitude of experiences and opportunities to prepare them for a meaningful life beyond the school gates.
Chris Comeau - Principal

Mr Chris Comeau

Mr Chris Comeau (BA Dip Tchg) Principal principal@roncalli.school.nz

We aim to provide a creative and well-supported learning environment where students are exposed to a multitude of experiences and opportunities to prepare them for a meaningful life beyond the school gates.

Senior Management,Board of Trustees,Teaching Staff,International,
Mr Mark Pribis

Mr Mark Pribis Deputy Principal, Teacher of Physics, Mountainbiking m.pribis@roncalli.school.nz

Senior Management,Teaching Staff,
Mrs Catherine Kelly

Mrs Catherine Kelly Business Manager c.kelly@roncalli.school.nz

Senior Management,Board of Trustees,International,Non Teaching Staff,
Mrs Jayne Adams

Mrs Jayne Adams Assistant Principal, Academic Dean, SENCO, Teacher of English & Religious Education j.adams@roncalli.school.nz

Senior Management,Teaching Staff,
Ms Frankie Allan

Ms Frankie Allan Curriculum Leader English f.allan@roncalli.school.nz

Teaching Staff,
Mrs Sally Betts

Mrs Sally Betts Teacher in Charge of Food & Hospitality, Religious Education, Year 110 Learning Advisor s.betts@roncalli.school.nz

Year Level & House Deans,Teaching Staff,
Mr Pascal Bouffandeau

Mr Pascal Bouffandeau Teacher of ILP, English & Literacy, Year 11 Learning Advisor p.bouffandeau@roncalli.school.nz

Teaching Staff,
Mr Alistair Burns

Mr Alistair Burns Year 9 Learning Advisor, Teacher of Physical Education & Outdoor Education a.burns@roncalli.school.nz

Teaching Staff,
Miss Rachael Burrowes

Miss Rachael Burrowes Director of Special Character, Teaching- English, Religious Education, Year 13 Learning Advisor

Curriculum Leaders,House Group Teachers,Teaching Staff,
Mr Bryce Caird

Mr Bryce Caird Aquinas House Dean, Curriculum Leader of Physical Education & Health, TIC Rugby, PB4L Team Leader b.caird@roncalli.school.nz

Curriculum Leaders,Year Level & House Deans,House Group Teachers,Teaching Staff,
Miss Victoria Chappell

Miss Victoria Chappell Year 12 Dean, Teacher of Social Sciences & English, Acting TIC Drama, Year 12 Learning Advisor v.chappell@roncalli.school.nz

Year Level & House Deans,House Group Teachers,Teaching Staff,
Mrs Lisa Cody

Mrs Lisa Cody Teacher of Yr 7/8 Technology, Food & Hospitality, & Religious Education, Year 9 Learning Advisor l.cody@roncalli.school.nz

House Group Teachers,Teaching Staff,
Mr David Costello

Mr David Costello Teaching – Mathematics, Year 9 Learning Advisor d.costello@roncalli.school.nz

House Group Teachers,Teaching Staff,
Mrs Christine Crosbie

Mrs Christine Crosbie English Teacher, Year 12 Learning Advisor c.crosbie@roncalli.school.nz

Teaching Staff,
Mrs Lindsey Dickerson

Mrs Lindsey Dickerson Teacher of Biology, Year 9 Learning Advisor, TIC Athletics l.dickerson@roncalli.school.nz

House Group Teachers,Teaching Staff,
Mrs Kelly Douglas

Mrs Kelly Douglas English Teacher, Year 12 Learning Advisor k.douglas@roncalli.school.nz

House Group Teachers,Teaching Staff,
Mrs Robyn Gillies

Mrs Robyn Gillies Teacher

Teaching Staff,
Mrs Kelby Hackler

Mrs Kelby Hackler Year 13 Dean, Teacher in charge of Junior English, Year 13 Learning Advisor k.hackler@roncalli.school.nz

Year Level & House Deans,House Group Teachers,Teaching Staff,
Ms Nikki Hall

Ms Nikki Hall Curriculum Leader of The Arts, Teacher of Religious Education and Music, Year 9 Learning Advisor n.hall@roncalli.school.nz

Curriculum Leaders,House Group Teachers,Teaching Staff,
Ms Debbie Hauptfleisch

Ms Debbie Hauptfleisch Colin House Dean, Mathematics & Commerce Teacher, Year 10 Learning Advisor d.hauptfleisch@roncalli.school.nz

Year Level & House Deans,Teaching Staff,
Mrs Ashley Herbert

Mrs Ashley Herbert Curriculum Leader- Science, Teaching- Science, Physics, Year 11 Learning Advisor a.herbert@roncalli.school.nz

Curriculum Leaders,House Group Teachers,Teaching Staff,
Mr David Hines

Mr David Hines Chanel House Dean, TIC Languages and Kaiako Māori, TIC Kapa Haka, Cultural Facilitator d.hines@roncalli.school.nz

Year Level & House Deans,Teaching Staff,
Mr Craig Hinton

Mr Craig Hinton Year 10 Dean, Year 10 Learning Advisor, Teacher of Physical Education and Fitness, TIC Football

Year Level & House Deans,House Group Teachers,Sport,Teaching Staff,
Mr Jordan Hooke

Mr Jordan Hooke Commerce & Physical Education Teacher, Year 12 Learning Advisor j.hooke@roncalli.school.nz

Teaching Staff,
Miss Kate Jones

Miss Kate Jones Year 10 Learning Advisor, Teacher of Religious Studies k.jones@roncalli.school.nz

Teaching Staff,
Mrs Mary Jane Konings

Mrs Mary Jane Konings Teacher of ESOL, Literacy, Science and English, Year 10 Learning Advisor, Staff Representative BOT mj.konings@roncalli.school.nz

Board of Trustees,Teaching Staff,International,
Mrs Gemma Lindsay

Mrs Gemma Lindsay Year 11 Dean, Teacher of Art, Design and DVC g.lindsay@roncalli.school.nz

Year Level & House Deans,Teaching Staff,
Mrs Deb Marshall

Mrs Deb Marshall Curriculum Leader Social Science, Year 13 Learning Advisor, Teacher of History, Geography, Social Studies

Curriculum Leaders,Year Level & House Deans,Teaching Staff,
Mrs Georgia McEwen

Mrs Georgia McEwen Curriculum Leader of Mathematics, Year 12 Learning Advisor g.mcewen@roncalli.school.nz

Curriculum Leaders,House Group Teachers,Teaching Staff,
Mrs Amy Murphy

Mrs Amy Murphy Teacher of Mathematics a.murphy@roncalli.school.nz

Teaching Staff,
Mr Conrad O'Connor

Mr Conrad O'Connor Teacher of Science, Chemistry & Resistant Materials, Year 11 Learning Advisor c.oconnor@roncalli.school.nz

House Group Teachers,Teaching Staff,
Miss Kerryn Olsen

Miss Kerryn Olsen Teaching - English, Religious Education, Year 12 Learning Advisor k.olsen@roncalli.school.nz

House Group Teachers,Teaching Staff,
Ms Joanne Parsons

Ms Joanne Parsons Teacher of Religious Education j.parsons@roncalli.school.nz

Teaching Staff,
Mrs Amy Richardson

Mrs Amy Richardson Teacher of Geography and Social Studies, Year 10 Learning Advisor a.richardson@roncalli.school.nz

Teaching Staff,
Miss Connaire Roughan

Miss Connaire Roughan Curriculum Leader English, Year 11 Learning Advisor c.roughan@roncalli.school.nz

Curriculum Leaders,House Group Teachers,Teaching Staff,
Mrs Suellen Robb

Mrs Suellen Robb Teacher of Mathematics, Year 9 Learning Advisor s.robb@roncalli.school.nz

Teaching Staff,
Mrs Samantha Rooney

Mrs Samantha Rooney Acting Curriculum Leader of Mathematics, TIC Netball, Principals Nominee s.rooney@roncalli.school.nz

Sport,Teaching Staff,
Mr Geoff Searle

Mr Geoff Searle Science Teacher, Year 9 Learning Advisor g.searle@roncalli.school.nz

House Group Teachers,Teaching Staff,
Mr Aaron Smith

Mr Aaron Smith Outdoor Education Teacher a.smith@roncalli.school.nz

Teaching Staff,
Mrs Cat Sutherland

Mrs Cat Sutherland Teacher of Pyhisical Education & Outdoor Education, TIC Softball c.sutherland@roncalli.school.nz

Teaching Staff,
Mr Guy Sutherland

Mr Guy Sutherland Curriculum Leader of Technology, TIC Outdoor Education, Hillary Award Coordinator, South Canterbury Catholic Kahui Ako Within School Teacher, Year 12 Learning Advisor g.sutherland@roncalli.school.nz

Curriculum Leaders,House Group Teachers,Teaching Staff,
Miss Ellen Walsh

Miss Ellen Walsh Director of Wellbeing, Teacher of Physical Education, Health and Wellbeing, Year 11 Learning Advisor e.walsh@roncalli.school.nz

House Group Teachers,Well-being,Teaching Staff,
Mrs Kim Wheeler

Mrs Kim Wheeler McAuley House Dean, Teacher of Art/Design, MacAuley Yr 11 Learning Advisor k.wheeler@roncalli.school.nz

Year Level & House Deans,Teaching Staff,
Mr Nic Wilson

Mr Nic Wilson Year 9 Dean, Teacher of Mathematics and Statistics, Year 9 Learning Advisor n.wilson@roncalli.school.nz

Teaching Staff,
Mr Les Cosgrove

Mr Les Cosgrove Property Manager property@roncalli.school.nz

Property Team,
Mr Neville Lines

Mr Neville Lines Groundsperson, Property Assistant property@roncalli.school.nz

Property Team,
Mr David Adams

Mr David Adams Workshop Technician, Classroom Support d.adams@roncalli.school.nz

Non Teaching Staff,
Mr Dave Batchelor

Mr Dave Batchelor College Archivist archives@roncalli.school.nz

Non Teaching Staff,
Mr Peter Burke

Mr Peter Burke IT Technician p.burke@roncalli.school.nz

Non Teaching Staff,
Miss Carolyn Fuller

Miss Carolyn Fuller Foods Technician c.fuller@roncalli.school.nz

Non Teaching Staff,
Miss Emma Goddard

Miss Emma Goddard Sports Coordinator sportsco@roncalli.school.nz

Sport,Non Teaching Staff,
Mrs Michelle Grant

Mrs Michelle Grant Counsellor m.grant@roncalli.school.nz

Well-being,Non Teaching Staff,
Mrs Marian Mehrtens

Mrs Marian Mehrtens Gateway Manager m.mehrtens@roncalli.school.nz

Non Teaching Staff,
Ms Courtney Molloy

Ms Courtney Molloy Careers and Pathways, Year 12 Learning Advisor c.molloy@roncalli.school.nz

Non Teaching Staff,
Mrs Ally Redhead

Mrs Ally Redhead Librarian, TIC Volleyball a.redhead@roncalli.school.nz

Non Teaching Staff,
Mrs Sandy Richards

Mrs Sandy Richards Student Systems Manager s.richards@roncalli.school.nz

Non Teaching Staff,
Ms Ashley Shaw

Ms Ashley Shaw Counsellor a.shaw@roncalli.school.nz

Well-being,Non Teaching Staff,
Mrs Kerry Small

Mrs Kerry Small Teacher Aide k.small@roncalli.school.nz

Non Teaching Staff,
Mrs Rose Struthers

Mrs Rose Struthers Financial Assistant, Principals PA, BOT Secretary r.struthers@roncalli.school.nz

Board of Trustees,International,Non Teaching Staff,
Mrs Jonelle West

Mrs Jonelle West Teacher Aide, Science Technician, Arts Coordinator j.west@roncalli.school.nz

Non Teaching Staff,
Mrs Sue Williams

Mrs Sue Williams Administration Assistant - Student Management s.williams@roncalli.school.nz

Non Teaching Staff,
Ms Jose Zandbergen

Ms Jose Zandbergen Classroom Support j.zandbergen@roncalli.school.nz

Non Teaching Staff,
Mrs Diane de Wit

Mrs Diane de Wit

Property Team,
Mrs Vicki Ewart

Mrs Vicki Ewart

Property Team,
Mrs Rose Harper

Mrs Rose Harper

Property Team,
Mr Anthony Whelan

Mr Anthony Whelan

Property Team,
Mr William Waterstone

Mr William Waterstone

Property Team,
Mrs Pam Allan

Mrs Pam Allan Board Parent Representative

Board of Trustees,
Father Vincent Barboza

Father Vincent Barboza Board of Trustees Proprietors Representative

Board of Trustees,
Mr James Cullimore

Mr James Cullimore Board Parent Representative

Board of Trustees,
Mr Michael Dickerson

Mr Michael Dickerson Board Proprietors Representative

Board of Trustees,
Mr Nigel Gormack

Mr Nigel Gormack Board Parent Representative

Board of Trustees,
Mr Gareth Oudemans

Mr Gareth Oudemans Board Proprietors Representative

Board of Trustees,
Mr James Steele

Mr James Steele Board Parent Representative

Board of Trustees,
Mrs Kim Sugrue

Mrs Kim Sugrue Board Proprietors Representative

Board of Trustees,
Mr James Thian

Mr James Thian Board Chairperson

Board of Trustees,