NCEA Information

A robust process is in place to ensure that all students are placed in an appropriate learning programme

2024 NCEA Handbook

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NCEA Information for Students and Parent/Guardians

The College NCEA Handbook outlines all relevant policies and procedures for senior assessments.

Included in this handbook is the NZQA qualification framework for NCEA Level 1, 2 and 3 as well as University Entrance.

Internal Assessment information

Students complete internal assessments throughout the year. These are set and assessed by College staff. Students receive a grade for their assessment; Not Achieved, Achieved, Merit or Excellence, and gain the amount of credits attached to the assessments (if A, M or E is gained). They will gain no credits for a Not Achieved grade.

Some assessments build over a period of time and students will be able to gain feedback and feed forward. As the due date nears, this will become less specific so that authenticity is gained.

External Assessment information

Students complete external assessments during the NCEA examination period. These assessments are created and assessed by NZQA and the results are returned to students mid January.

Assessment Week Formal assessment opportunities are held at the College in Term 3, Week 8 (Monday 12 - Friday 16 September). An assessment week timetable is anticipated to be emailed to all students by the end of week 5.

Internal assessments and derived grade opportunities for external standards are held during this time. Derived grades are used when considering school prizes for students (alongside internal results) and are provided to NZQA when a student is unable to sit the final NCEA examination(s) due to circumstances beyond their control.


By completing and submitting any assessment, students have acknowledged that it was all their own work. All sources used have been referenced and a bibliography provided. If the assessment is found to be plagiarised the classroom teacher and Curriculum leader will award a Not Achieved grade. A discussion with the student will take place and parents/guardians will be notified.

Absence due to Covid Pandemic

Please see the attached Pandemic information.


To track student progress, the following options are available 

  • Student/Caregiver portal

  • NZQA website login

  • NCEA track app


For academic queries, the first port of call for students and parents/guardians at the College is the student’s subject teacher or Curriculum Leader.

If necessary, you can also contact the following staff:

Year Level Dean

Year 11 - Craig Hinton (

Year 12 - Victoria Chappell (

Year 13 - Kelby Hackler (

Academic Dean

Jayne Adams (

NZQA liaison (Principal’s Nominee)

Kerryn Olsen (

NCEA Assessment Appeal Form

NCEA Assessment Appeal Form

NCEA Internal Assessment Extension form

NCEA Internal Assessment Extension form 2024

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