Financial Costs

The Education Act 1989 gives the right to free enrolment and free education in New Zealand for every New Zealand resident from the age of 5 to 18 years. The funding received by schools only provides for the very basic curriculum delivery. We pride ourselves by offering enhanced learning opportunities for all students. To allow this we rely on contributions from parents/caregivers. These contributions are outlined in the school course/options booklet and on the stationery lists. Any such contribution paid is a donation and can be claimed annually as a tax credit using the Inland Revenue form IR526.

Letter from Bishop Paul Martin

2024 Attendance Dues & Catholic Special Character Contribution


Under the Integration requirements, the Proprietor or owner of the School, in this case the Catholic Bishop of Christchurch, is responsible for the cost of providing school land and buildings and capital works to meet the standards set down by the Integration Act. Attendance Dues are compulsory under law and charged to sustain our system of Integrated schools.

These dues are to pay for insurance, and maintenance on the buildings and some capital development if needed. Special arrangements for reduced fees will be considered by the Diocese. No student need be deprived of Catholic schooling through financial consideration. Attendance Dues family charges have been set by the Diocese for 2024 as follows:



Attendance Dues

$860.00 (plus GST) per annum ($215.00 plus GST, per term)

Catholic Special Character Contribution 

$60.00 per annum ($15.00 per term)


The Roncalli College Development Foundation Trust will use these funds to support the College with projects that are not able to be funded through the normal operational grant. The parent partnership fund is a voluntary contribution from Roncalli parents. Roncalli College Development Foundation Trust is registered as a Charitable Entity under the Charities Act 2005. It is approved by Inland Revenue as a Donee Organisation whereby donations made to the Roncalli College Development Foundation Trust can be claimed as a tax credit by the Donor. Providing the donor has a receipt, a tax credit claim for donations of $5 or more can be made for donations made in a tax year.


A Catholic Special Character Contribution is charged by and forwarded to the Catholic Diocese of Christchurch. This contribution helps cover the costs associated with the delivery of professional development services in support of Catholic Special Character in Catholic schools.


Roncalli College is part of a network of eight New Zealand schools that collaborate together. We request a contribution towards costs to help with contracting in Priests and other facilitators to help with Retreats, Masses, Sacramental Preparation, Leadership Training and other Special Character activities. 

NCRS (National Centre of Religious Studies)

An NCRS contribution has been confirmed as the mechanism for funding the Religious Education Curriculum Development work for NCRS from 2015. On a cost recovery basis, the per student contribution has been set at $9.00 per year. This contribution replaces textbook sales as the key funding stream for RE curriculum development and is forwarded onto the National Centre of Religious Studies.


Sporting and Education Outside the Classroom events must be paid prior to the student participating in these activities. Other charges will incur from time to time for extra curricular events.

Some limited financial assistance is available where a student would otherwise miss out on valuable educational experiences.

The Board of Trustees expects that accounts will be paid promptly. Regular automatic payments are encouraged. If debts are incurred the Board reserves the right to pass the debt on to a debt collector and all collection costs or late payment fees will be added to the debt. 


Any student who may be disadvantaged by course costs and/or other College related expenses can apply to the Principal or Business Manager for financial assistance. This includes Attendance Dues.

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